Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall Break

So, it's Fall Break and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Mike is out of town visiting all over Kansas with his grandfather. It sounds like they are having a great time visiting all the places Grandpa Ralph lived and went to school. They even managed to find the 1 room school house he went to school at in 1917. Pretty impressive.

Anyway, Josh is at his mother's house, so it's been really quiet around here. I have done a lot of sleeping, catching up on movies I have DVR'd, doing whatever I please, and sleeping in the middle of the bed.

Last night I went to my parent's house for dinner and to watch the Red Sox game. Mom and I scrap booked and enjoyed the evening. Dad fixed me some Texas toast and gave me a back massage. My Red Sox came back to win. It was a fabulous night!

So, I still haven't started and I still haven't gotten a positive on the pregnancy test. Two days late with no signs of starting in sight. I swear my boobs have grown again. Now they are starting to become very sore. Not like before you start sore, but like sore even when the water touches them. It's ridiculous.

I have started eating strange things for breakfast. Yesterday morning was tuna salad. Today it was chips w/ ranch dip. Yeah, I was nauseated from both, but at this point I figure anything is going to make me nauseous, so why does it matter?

I have discovered a love for Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies and have to have one everyday with a glass of milk. I crave them.

I pee all the time now. I just wish the other part of the bathroom experience would get back to normal. I think it's part of the reason my stomach is always upset. Is that a nice way to say it without going into detail? haha

So I guess I just have to keep playing the waiting game. I think I'm getting really good at it. I'm going to go take some Tums and then probably take a nap. What a good life!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This day.

Ok. So, today didn't start out quite like I wanted. I am still having all the ridiculous symptoms of being pregnant. So, I took a test today hoping that since I am just a day early that it might pop positive. But, of course it didn't. This doesn't change the fact that I'm 99% sure that I'm pregnant. Why else would my boobs have grown from a 36B to more than a 36D in just over a week. Seriously. So, it just led to more frustration.

I have decided that this baby is not going to be an overachiever like his/her mama. If this baby is like his/her dad, it's going to be a clean freak, can't type, and a giant. Lord help us all!

So, I went about my business. Since it's just 2 days until Fall Break, I am so unmotivated. I just want to get through the week without throwing up, falling asleep at my desk, or killing a child or coworker. Josh of course had to challenge that today.

Let me explain about the wanting to kill. I am incredible moody. Like, I'm pretty sure I sprout horns and my head spins around like the exorcist. I don't do too bad at school. It's my husband and step-kid that put me over the edge. My husband hasn't learned to back off and just leave me alone. He just keeps at it until I freakin' snap. Here is a perfect example: he does this certain type of breathing that makes a hissing sound. I hate it and asked him to stop. Did he? Of course not. He kept on breathing like that. Then, he starts smacking the freakin' cheese puffs. Are you serious? Here comes another head spinning moment...

Anyway, I didn't get much of a nap after school b/c I had to go to the grocery store and cook dinner. The boys left for Cub Scouts and my mom came over and we enjoyed the Red Sox game together, even if they are getting spanked. Well, I enjoyed it until Josh got home. He has been a turd the entire day. With my mom still here, we got spankings with the spoon and then 2 bare-butt ones from Dad b/c he just won't listen. So frustrating and so embarrassing!

So, I'm worried about what the stress is doing to my insides. I just really want to be pregnant and have a happy, healthy pregnancy and baby.

So, I will try again in the morning and hope for the best. I just want it to be confirmed that I am pregnant so I can share it with the world. Come on little peanut, give me some HCG!